Of all the days in my life that i have spent in different class rooms right from kinter garden where i was taught to eat my food without spilling to my chemical engineering classes where i was forced to fiddle with the most sophisticated calculators to solve those problems which i was sure i will never be able to and even if i did by any luck i will never know for why, this was one class i will never forget.
A class where i didn't have to keep my dreams outside, where i was allowed to travel in time and imagine what was being taught i class. A class where i don't have to force down the logics and assumptions that are never logical. A class that taught me to dream, imagine create, where originality was more valid than anything, where i don't have to vomit out all those derivations which someone once derived to solve some problem he thought was relevant...
I don't know how many people reading this will ever know this feeling because not every one gets a chance to do what they love or what their heart wants. I knew this because for the first time since i started wearing a watch, today i didn't look at it the whole day. strange, but true, time was flying, through tales of Shelly, J Austen, mesmerized in the beauty of English poetry...
I don't know if i will ever complete this degree or if i will ever write it's exams but 1 thing is for sure, i was never wrong when i said i want to study literature, i know now because today i could feel my heart bouncing with joy.
Thanks to all my friends who stood by my side helped me wage this battle against the conventional methods, thanks to everyone who understood me when i said i want to join this course and above all thanks to all those people who believed in me....
Hearty congrats Manju :)